Pregnant At The Wheel

Pregnant at the wheel

The day to day of pregnant women is full of restrictions, that is why there are so many doubts about what we can do. In particular, a woman behind the wheel receives many recommendations regardless of whether she is pregnant or not.

In the case of future mothers who drive, the regulations leave the same clarity as grandmothers and neighbors. Safety measures are doubled when a pregnant woman goes behind the wheel, we will tell you what it is about.

It is not that driving is forbidden if we are pregnant, but we must take better care of ourselves. Specialists recommend that we stop driving after the second trimester of pregnancy. However, taking the necessary measures, we can do it until the end of our pregnancy.

Either way, it is understood that it is during the first trimester when there is greater risk. In early pregnancy, the main fear is possible placental abruption. Then, at the end of the gestation the fetus could suffer direct injuries and there is still a risk of rupture of the uterus. These risks are potential when driving, due to collision or violent deceleration.

Is it dangerous for a pregnant woman to drive?

The main risk that a pregnant woman runs when riding in a vehicle is an eventual sudden movement. As we know, whether as a passenger or a driver, the risk could be the same, only that driving has more responsibility.

In addition, the use of the belt is sometimes prohibited by pregnant women and a minimum distance of 20 cm from the airbag is required. These measures restrict the woman who wants to drive during her pregnancy, because it prevents her from complying with the law.

On the other hand, pregnancy can cause alterations in a woman’s ability to drive. For example, she is affected by blood sugar levels, she suffers from tension problems and her vision may fail. In this sense, it is important that the pregnant woman undergoes check-ups with her specialist to guarantee good health.

Generally speaking, it is not dangerous for a pregnant woman to drive, in addition, it is not prohibited by law. However, the risks you face warrant more caution before deciding.

The most significant drawbacks have to do with safety inside the vehicle and a possible collision. Although all of us are in the same danger when driving, pregnancy causes a delicate condition in many ways.

Precautionary measures for pregnant women behind the wheel

The first thing a pregnant woman should consider before driving is her health. It is recommended that you check your blood pressure and make sure you have not had any dizziness or drowsiness prior to driving.

If you have been driving regularly during your pregnancy, it is important to check that you feel safe so far. Other measures can be:

  • Wearing the seat belt correctly, below the abdomen and over the groin, you should never tighten the belly. The band at the top is placed between the breasts and three anchor points are recommended when using a belt.
  • Roll back the seat to prevent the steering wheel from rubbing against your belly
  • It is important that the headrest is at the desired height, so as to guarantee protection to the neck
  • Let’s travel with comfortable clothes and shoes that are not tight and allow greater maneuverability
  • let’s try to locate the direction and height of the steering wheel always towards the chest
  • Let’s try regular breaks when the trips are long, stretch our legs, go to the bathroom and feel comfortable
  • In case of accidents, it is advisable to wait for the help of specialists and go to the doctor even when we do not present apparent injuries
  • Always keep the airbag activated
  • Avoid driving if you have felt contractions
  • Keep your back straight
  • Let’s adapt our driving style to the situation we live in. Let’s avoid accelerating too much or abruptly, as well as any violent maneuver such as braking or turning
  • After giving birth, the doctor will decide when we can return to the wheel.

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