Prepare Your Children For Potential Dangers

The world is full of dangers, but learning to deal with them is the best way to get out of many situations successfully. Learn how to teach this to your kids!
Prepare your children for potential dangers

The dangers are everywhere, no matter how much we take care of our children there are potential risks at home and of course, also on the street. Whether children are exposed to danger or not depends in part on us, but many times it is they themselves who bear the responsibility; so we must help them deal with this.

When it has not been enough that we advise them and ask for prudence, it is convenient that we at least teach them how to act when they are facing a certain risk. We talk about situations that can be avoided and / or controlled with prior knowledge of the fact; for example, caution when crossing the street or interacting with strangers.

Sometimes we forget that children are unaware of many events, that is why we do not warn them that there is a danger from this or that thing; we assume he knows, but he doesn’t. In addition, for some reason parents sometimes sound like broken records, because we must repeat things to children over and over again so that they can understand it.

No mother wants her child to learn through bad experience, even if it is what we say. If we tell our child to cross the street carefully and he doesn’t, we don’t wait for him to get run over before he finally learns to be careful; therefore the important thing is to prevent them.

Avoid dangers or survive them?

The question we as parents can ask ourselves is whether we can really help them overcome potential risks. It is about helping them develop skills that allow them to be cautious and others that make it easier for them to successfully escape compromising situations.

A child may be in danger from walking alone in the street, but it is something that we cannot always avoid. Maybe our little one will survive most risky situations successfully, maybe he will never meet a stranger who wants to hurt him ; But if this happens, it is very valuable that you are prepared to act.


It is normal that a child does not know how to handle the situation if he has the need to act in an accident or natural disaster; that is why it is convenient that we prepare it for it. If we scare him with this or say it as a sermon, it may not have the desired effect, but communication will always be the best preventive tool.

These tips can help you train him in these cases.

  1. Learn the route back home

While we return with him, whether by car or walking, we can teach him to identify some reference where he should cross or where to go. Let’s show him a sign, building, or sign that is visible and easy to remember.

This will help you to return home in case you get lost or due to a major cause we cannot accompany you. Learning the route to school and being able to navigate its surroundings can help you survive certain dangers.

  1. Managing the emergency phone system

It is recommended that the child knows how to use the telephone and in particular knows the emergency numbers. It is also important that you know their address, their parents ‘names, and their parents’ phone numbers; we do not know when you may need to contact urgently.

  1. Learn to use natural resources

A field day is an opportune time to teach the little ones to get along without electricity and other comforts of civilization. Walking in the dark, lighting a bonfire, swimming in the river, finding yourself in difficult places, and learning survival techniques that may come in handy at some point.

  1. Survive the dangers of the streets

The risks of the street are not only vehicles, there are also dangerous people and unexpected situations. Let us educate our children so that they can survive the dangers that can be found on the street, where there are guns, drugs, crime and speeding cars.


Let us teach our children to know car traffic, traffic signs and the corresponding authorities. It is important that you know that you should never talk to strangers or receive anything that is given to you on the street ; In addition, it is recommended that I only trust Mom and Dad, because sometimes you don’t know which supposed acquaintance is actually a perfect stranger.

  1. Network caution

It is convenient to make sure that our children access safe sites on the network, that they are not talking to strangers or can expose contact information. If your child operates a computer connected to the internet, he could face more dangers than there may be in his real environment.

Let’s teach him not to access unknown links or click on advertisements; if possible, let’s disable pop-ups and enable search history.

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