Recipes With Milk For The Child Who Does Not Want A Bottle

If your child does not want a bottle there are other ways to incorporate this important food with recipes with milk that are healthy.
Recipes with milk for the child who does not want a bottle

If your child does not want a bottle, there are other ways to incorporate this important food into his diet.  As in Eres Mamá we think of everything or, almost everything, today we bring you some recipes that contain milk among their ingredients and that are healthy and easy to digest. Keep them in mind.

Rice pudding

To make a rice pudding to give your child as a dessert, we recommend putting two tablespoons of white rice with 3 cups of water in a pressure cooker. Give it about 20 minutes to cook. Once the pressure is gone, remove the lid, stir the rice porridge and add about 3 cups of milk. Turn the clock on the uncovered pot and bring the dessert to a boil.

As the water evaporates, the milk will be spent and the rice will cook even more inside it. After approximately 15 minutes the sweet should be ready, although if you see that it is still very clear you can leave it to spend a little more.

When it is finished take it out so that it loses the heat, serve it and give it to your child cold or weather, according to he prefers the edibles.


Puree of viands with milk

For this recipe we invite you to gather banana, yucca, potato and sweet potato, all in the same proportion. Every mother knows how much puree her child eats. The amount of food will depend on that.

Also look for the usual spices with which you season your meals and pour everything into the same pressure cooker with some water. Cook the viands for 15 minutes, then remove them from the heat and let them cool. Then pour them, without adding the water, into a blender. To clarify, you will use the amount of milk that you consider necessary depending on whether your child likes the puree more or less clear.

When the puree is ready, give it to your little one, we assure you that he will not notice the milk.

Eggless custard

If your child is small and his pediatrician has not yet told you to give him an egg, you can make him a custard using only 1 cup of milk and 2 or 3 teaspoons of cornstarch, depending on how thick you want the dessert to be.

To make this recipe, put the cup of milk on the fire. In a separate container add the teaspoons of cornstarch and dilute them with some cold milk. When the milk on the fire begins to boil, add the dissolved cornstarch and continue stirring until it thickens.

When the eggless custard is cool it will be ready for your little one.

Fruit smoothies

The shakes are nutritious and natural. If your child likes refreshing drinks, at snacks, you can mix some fruits with milk, or even several of them together and make a kind of tutifruti shake. You should only avoid citrus fruits.


Ripe male banana with milk

Another way to give your child milk is by making a boiled ripe banana puree with milk.

To do this, boil a well-ripened banana. Let it cook for five minutes. When it is cooked, remove it from the water, peel it and mash it with a fork on your child’s plate. As you ram it, you should incorporate the milk until it becomes a puree. If your child is small or rejects any lump, you can strain this preparation.

Recipes with milk for the child who does not want a bottle

Other ways to get your child to drink milk without noticing it is by dressing it up with fruit-flavored cereals and cookies.

If he loves compotes, get him used to always pouring a quantity of milk on that dessert.

You can do the same with yogurt. Although yogurt is a derivative of milk, there are those who choose to mix it with a little fresh milk to clarify it and make the child drink milk directly.

You can also make homemade jams with the fruits that he likes: mango, papaya, guava … and when you serve them, add a little milk.

Remember, your child may reject the bottle and milk, but that is not the only way to incorporate the many properties of this essential food into his body.

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