The 14 Tasks Of A Good Father

Becoming a good parent requires effort, dedication, and love. In this article we give you some tips that you can never forget to achieve it. Keep reading!
The 14 tasks of a good father

The tasks of a good father begin from the moment you think about conceiving a baby. While raising your children you may face many difficulties and stressful situations but it will all be worth it because you will feel the most sincere love in the world.

There is no instruction book for being a father or mother, but the tips that we will give you below will help you keep in mind some basic tasks with which you will help your children a lot.

What are some of the tasks of a good parent?

1. Appreciate time with your children. You will be amazed to see how quickly time passes since your child is born. Remember that the time you have with them is short and should be appreciated every second. Spend as many moments with your children as possible and when you do, stay away from things that distract you from them.

2. Share responsibilities with your partner. When it comes to the children, there are no special tasks for them or for them. The key is to make parenting a shared experience; Get involved in everything to give your child the love and care they require.

3. Show them your love. Although it may be a bit of obvious advice, many parents reserve this sentiment and don’t show it. At every opportunity you get and regardless of the circumstances, make them feel loved.

4. Teach them to make decisions. Perhaps it is easier to define what you want for their lives, but teaching them to choose their paths is a skill that will last forever. Guide them and set limits, but let them decide for themselves.

5. Always remember the importance of patience. As a parent, many situations can get you out of your mind, but controlling your reactions is a virtue that develops with patience. Take a deep breath, relax and continue your life to be a model of self-control.

6. Have fun. A good sense of humor is a gift that you give to your children. Don’t be afraid of making a fool of yourself when you are sharing with your children. The fun times are treasured and stored in your memories forever; find the funny side in every situation.


7. Read with and to them. It doesn’t matter whether or not this habit is ingrained in you. Reading is a gift that you give them for life and that will help them develop their cognitive and social skills. Take a few minutes each day to share a story with them.

8. Let them enjoy the game. Many people underestimate the value of the game without knowing that it is the moment in which they develop in all its dimensions; replace TV and video games with a good time of games and crafts.

9. Stimulate your imagination. A serious mistake that we adults make is to cripple the creative abilities of children. Let him create with the elements around him, role-play, make up stories, and unleash his imagination.

10. Be firm when setting limits. The greatest demonstration of love that you can give your children is to teach them the value of respect and the formation of values. As a parent you need to establish norms and enforce them so that they grow up to be educated and useful adults for society.

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11. Be a role model for the virtues you are talking about. Children always learn from the example you set; Being their role model, you should think about what behaviors you expect from your children and start putting them into practice. Reflect on what you want your children to see and be as they grow up.

12. Treat each member of your family with respect. Abusive behaviors and yelling are behaviors that are mimicked. Disrespect creates insecurities and emotional problems that can last a lifetime.

13. Teach them how to be independent. Stay by their side but give them the freedom to do things for themselves. Give them small responsibilities and gradually increase the degree of difficulty so that they can then help themselves.

14. Let them be what they are. Personality is an aspect that you should not try to modify to fit your expectations. Give them the space they need for their personal traits to emerge and mature.

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