The Time To Put Down The Diaper Is Not Chosen By The Teacher

In reality, neither parents nor teachers decide when children put off diapers. Of course, you have to train them to know how to do it, but there are many biological factors involved. Find out more about this below!
The time to put down the diaper is not chosen by the teacher

When the child is 2 years old, parents begin to use different methods to help their child to put off the diaper. Before they used 6 diapers a day, but little by little the use of diapers begins to decrease. The wish is that the day will come when the baby can go to the bathroom alone. However, few parents are prepared with much patience to attend to this process. It is a job that takes a lot of time, willingness, and dedication.

We must bear in mind that knowledge about the right time is important so that you can start this process. The child learns slowly or fast depending on the age, the younger it is, the longer it takes to learn. For this reason, it is recommended that you use methods so that your baby leaves the diaper around two years of age.

Classes are coming up, how do I help him put off his diaper?


In cases where the time for the child to go to class is approaching,  it is not good for you to pressure him to put down the diaper. Before that period, you may start teaching him without haste, and if he doesn’t learn before class, don’t worry. The child will drop the diaper when he feels fully ready, but if you press it he will not learn.

If we start pushing how it should be, it can become very frustrating for both him and you. The important thing is to pay attention to the signals that the child gives you when he is ready to learn to put off the diaper. Consider that toilet training, the most common is that children achieve it between 2 and 3 years.

However, we know that children are not the same, some children start to discomfort the diaper earlier. They are usually removed either because of heat or discomfort, there you should take the opportunity. It is time to apply the methods so that your child begins to relieve himself. It is recommended to be very attentive to the processes of the beginning to leave the diaper, which are these three steps.

  • When the child reports that he peed or pooped in the diaper.
  • Express or announce the moment while you are doing it.
  • Warn before doing.

First of all, removing the diaper requires months of training, so you have to spend a lot of time on this process. The ideal moment is the one where you can dedicate yourself to it, that both are calm, with the pressure it will not be achieved. For this reason it is essential that if your relatives or the teacher put stress on the matter, you must explain the reasons why you have not done it.

A comfortable potty for your child


The potty is the object most used by children so that they can relieve themselves comfortably. In the toilet it is difficult for them because it is too tall for them, as well as dangerous. The first training is with a potty, placing it in the place where the child frequents to be.

You can put it in the bathroom and to lose its fear you must allow it to play with it. Show him that it is a seat, let him become familiar with this object so that he loses his fear. It allows you to include it in your belongings and thus use it for your needs. In the market there is an extensive number of fun models and colors to choose the ideal potty.

Ditching the diaper is easier if …

  • You choose clothes that are easy to unbutton. In these cases you can put your son or daughter. Elastic rubber pants or skirts to make it easier for him to take them off without asking you for help and relieve himself in a very comfortable way.
  • Supervision is important. Mainly to be aware if you are doing the wrong thing. For example, if you feel bad on the potty or your pants were not pulled down properly, it could get dirty.
  • Parents should be the guardians. Helping him get out of the diaper is a parent’s job. Do not allow teachers to try to impose a habit in which the child is not prepared. Congratulate your child when he is able to make the attempt to learn since for him it is an effort and instill in him personal hygiene habits.


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