The Uniform And Going Back To School: Advantages And Disadvantages

Many schools impose on students the need to wear a uniform, even though not always all agree with this obligation. We take this article to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of its use.
The uniform and going back to school: advantages and disadvantages

It is a common tradition in many schools for children to wear uniforms. In fact, it is a controversial topic for many parents; Therefore, in this article we are going to review the advantages and disadvantages of wearing the uniform at school.

Many children associate going back to school with the school uniform. Going from summer clothes to school uniforms isn’t always easy for little ones; however, you should know that wearing a uniform has positive aspects.

Among other things, they can be a tool to promote equality between students in terms of dress code. Next we are going to review what are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing the school uniform. What is your vision of the subject?

The uniform and back to school: advantages

1. Let them focus on tasks

Getting ready for school each morning can be made much easier and faster by wearing your school uniform. This causes children to have less stress in choosing what to wear the next day. Instead, children will be able to focus on doing their homework or other more beneficial recreational activities.

2. Increase the feeling of community

Second, uniforms can also create a feeling of community and belonging to the school, as students of all ages, and even alumni, feel very attached to the outfits they associate with school days.

When everyone is dressed the same and proud to be a part of their school, it increases morale and school spirit.

3. Break with class differences

Another argument used in favor of school uniforms is that when children use them, visible class markers are reduced or eliminated among children with more or less economic resources.

This fact can lead to greater social integration. In this line, it can contribute to the incorporation of values ​​such as respect and justice in children.

4. Reduce peer pressure associated with clothing

Finally, the uniform causes each and every student to wear the same clothing. Because each student is required to wear the same outfit, there is a reduced likelihood of peer pressure to wear certain styles or purchase specific brands of clothing.

Consequently, genuine relationships are built, based on social interactions rather than visual first impressions. The result of this shift in focus will be a more welcoming environment.

What are the disadvantages of wearing a school uniform?

1. They limit self-expression

The first of the arguments against uniforms is that they limit students’ self-expression. Young people in particular have a need to express their emotions and musical tastes through their clothing and haircuts. The uniform limits teenagers’ ability to have some control and express themselves.

2. Cause resentment among students

As children begin to develop their own opinions, they don’t like being forced to do something they don’t want to do. For this reason, requiring students to wear uniforms against their will can breed resentment toward the school.

3. Cultural problems

In schools with multicultural diversity, the uniform may leave other cultures behind, especially if the design represents only one or a few. Students belonging to minority ethnic or religious groups may not feel comfortable wearing specifically designed uniforms.

4. They can be expensive for some parents.

Lastly, it should be taken into consideration that school uniforms can be more expensive for parents than buying regular clothes. Often these are only available from a limited number of providers; thus, the lack of competition keeps prices high.

Some even include more expensive items, such as jackets or dress shoes, which increase the price and the difficulties to pay for them.

As you have seen in this list of advantages and disadvantages, it is not easy to determine if the use of a uniform is positive or negative for students. What is important is that infants always go to school motivated and receive the help they need from their parents, with or without a uniform.

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