Toxic Families: How They Affect Children

Toxic families are counterproductive in every way. Discover some of its characteristics and what are the effects it could cause in the smallest of the home.
Toxic Families: How They Affect Children

Children need to grow up in a family that gives them security and confidence. The family is one of the basic sources of support for children. But sometimes the family is not only not a safe home for children, but it also becomes a factor of emotional imbalance. These types of families are called toxic families; they are those that have harmful attitudes towards children that can affect their emotional or psychological stability. Many times these families are not aware that their behavior can affect children. These families do not realize that children can be affected by this way of educating.

Traits that characterize toxic families

Educating children is always difficult for all parents. The problem arises when parents have some negative attitudes that can influence children. Parents may not be aware of applying these attitudes.

One of them may be to blame children for what they have not been able to do to take care of them when they are young. For example, not having finished the studies we wanted to do or not having progressed in our professional career. Children will grow up with a sense of guilt that is sure to affect them in the future. These children often have trouble making their decisions for fear of the consequences.

Another negative attitude is to label children from a young age with the terms “you are a junk” or “I don’t know a lazier child.” Once these labels are put on, it is very difficult for children to grow without the burden that they create. Labels damage children’s self-esteem and can create significant psychological and emotional problems in the long run.

The best thing is to never give children any labels or nicknames or nicknames. Children have to be valued for their attitude and their daily work, not for the labels that were given them an unlucky day.

Nor is it an appropriate attitude for us to be fearful of what may happen to them all day. “If you get on that slide, you’re going to break your teeth,” for example. We have to be aware that children do not have any sense of danger in their infancy.

toxic family

Bet on family communication

We have to talk to them and explain what can happen to them if they get on a slide in the park that is not suitable for their age. So we can prevent not only the danger of this situation, but also possible accidents in the future. If children live in fear of what they do not know, they will be insecure people in the future. They have to be able to assess for themselves when the risks are turning.

Nor is it a positive attitude to tell them the classic warning that if they misbehave you will not love them, especially when they are very young. Children have to know that parents love them always and without conditions. If we condition our affection to the child’s attitudes, he will grow up thinking that he does not deserve the love of his family.

Finally, we can cite another negative attitude:  always being overprotective of children. For example, not letting you go on a field trip because the bus could have an accident on the road. Not only will we create an unfounded fear in the child, but the next time he goes on an excursion he will remember and he will not want to go. We have to take care of the children but without overprotecting them. Children have to explore new worlds and experience new sensations to become confident adults.

A change of attitude

All these negative attitudes typical of a toxic family are often not recognized by parents. Probably because they were raised that way by their parents in their childhood and do not think that they are creating any harm or problems for their children.

Families must always be a source of love and security for children. They should never be a cause of anxiety or insecurity. If we condition love on certain behaviors or achievements, they will feel that we do not want them. Parents can change those negative attitudes at any time and ensure that the family is always a source of security and love.

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