Uses Of The Tablet For Our Children

In many homes children use tablets on a regular basis, but what use must be given to it to be correct?
Uses of the tablet for our children

The tablet is a very popular device among children, who are able to find infinite possibilities in it. However, mothers are not far behind and have left a large part of the task related to raising children to these devices. What do mothers use the tablet for with their children? We’ll tell you then.

It is incredible how easily children learn to manipulate electronic devices, which is why they are so interested in all mobile technology. The attraction of children to these devices is natural, but sometimes it can become addictive or dangerous for them, therefore it is convenient to regulate their use.

How to use the tablet with our children?

Today’s mothers have taken advantage of the benefits of this device in many ways, even if it is not the most recommended option. Although we know that the tablet does not enjoy full acceptance by many mothers, it is important that we at least be aware of the benefits it can bring us.

Taking into account the regulations necessary for their enjoyment, the use of tablets for our children can focus on the aspects that we will discuss below. It is important that you keep it in mind so that you know how to make better use of it.


Using the tablet to entertain children

It is enough to leave the tablet in the hands of a child so that entertainment is guaranteed. This device has come to replace much of toys and other forms of entertainment, and is even about to dethrone television. But it should be used with limitations and with rules to avoid risks to the health of children such as sendentarismo that leads to obesity.

The versatility of this new ally has made it possible for the little ones to entertain themselves in different ways in one place. They can watch the chapters of their favorite animated series, play with applications that only they use, draw, photograph or listen to music.

Usually the tablet belongs to mom or some other adult, but there is always a space available for children to access their own entertainment desk. Many parents have also chosen to give their little ones a personalized electronic device exclusively for children, although there is still some suspicion in this regard.

Educational use of the tablet

Many of the games that we can download on our tablet can be very educational, there are also possibilities for children to read stories or listen to them. In addition, the handling of the device itself is part of the learning they are acquiring at a technological level.

But there is an advantage that moms can use in terms of using the tablet, because when they start school they can be helped through certain applications specially designed for it. That is, the educational tools that the device supports can be focused on those subjects that require more practice.

Let us not forget that it is not necessary to replace traditional educational tools with this instrument ; It is also recommended that we be attentive to what they really do with their tablets. In the same way, it is necessary that we regulate the time that children should allocate to this process.


According to experts, these are the most recommended applications to help children with their education.

  • To learn English, the application known as Babbel is recommended. It helps with pronunciation and contains the meaning of words, it is fun and fully interactive.
  • Learning other languages ​​is feasible and fun through the Duolingo app.
  • If we want him to learn math, we can invite him to use the Math Practice Board, Maths vs. Zombies or The King of Mathematics.
  • All the books that will provide children with reading and text comprehension skills can be found in the Auca Digital application.
  • Wolfie is the application designed to practice the piano and do your musical rehearsals.

Should the tablet be used to calm children?

It is possible that even mothers who are less fond of using this electronic device are convinced of the benefits it can bring. However, one of the most controversial uses could be this; the fact controlling tantrums by the tablet is perhaps somewhat risky practice.

According to studies, it is very common for families to use tablet technology to get children to calm down and return to peace. Experts assure that these cases are more frequent when it comes to children with hyperactivity problems or negative behavior.

This situation determines that when mothers lose control they become frustrated and to alleviate this frustration they turn to technology. However, for specialists this can represent the beginning of emotional problems and social difficulties because it limits the affective relationship and effective communication.

Therefore, when a child has a tantrum or a negative behavior, you should not lend him the tablet while he is with a bad behavior since you would be negatively reinforcing the behavior you want to avoid. In these cases it is better to focus on positive discipline. 

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