What Is The Appropriate Stage In Which The Child Should Put Off The Diaper

What is the appropriate stage in which the child should leave the diaper

As is already known, children develop in stages, that is why we must talk about that indicated moment in which the child must be motivated in a stage to leave the diaper.

Although for many parents, this fact is something relatively easy, we must understand that leaving the diaper represents one of the most important challenges that our children must face in the first years of life.
In the same way, once this stage is overcome, we could be talking about the greatest achievement of the little ones. In this sense, this achievement belongs to both parents and children ; but the main thing is to do it at the right time.

Why is it so important to put off the diaper?

The diaper becomes the outer piece that shares the most time with the baby, it is the first accessory that is placed at birth and a few minutes are detached from it a day. In this regard, we can say that the child’s safety is being forged around this “new part of his body”.
So it can be difficult to break this ingrained habit, especially if we do it at the wrong stage. However, once the process begins, the child approaches that stage of autonomy and knowledge of his body and its functioning.
The challenge of putting off the diaper leads the child to socially and emotionally reach a new step in their development. This time, you will lose a part that gave you security, but you will gain a new sense of freedom.

What is the indicated stage for the child to begin to put off the diaper?


The development of our children is a process that, although it evolves month after month without anything being able to intervene in it, it is necessary to recognize that parents make great changes in this when they know or do not know the factors to consider at each stage.
Therefore, without realizing it, as parents we could favor the evolution of our children, but we could also harm them. Consequently, if we do not know the appropriate stage in which the child should leave the diaper, we can generate emotional and social alterations in the little ones that can accompany them until their adult life.

To identify this stage, we must pay attention to the following aspects:

  • The main thing is that it is between 18 months and 2 years of age, as long as there are no biological or physiological irregularities.
  • The baby must have reached neurological maturity, which allows him to control himself.
  • You must recognize if it is possible that his diaper is wet or has changed his texture.
  • You must be able to point out in some way that something is bothering you.
  • He wants to imitate the older ones when it comes to using the bathroom.

In this sense, if we have been able to identify these criteria in our child, we can begin to work with learning techniques to put off the diaper.

For example, to see if he is in this stage, we can try giving him a lot of fluids and waiting a couple of hours to see how he reacts when he feels the need to urinate.

Perhaps he will give us some signal such as touching his diaper, making a gesture with his face or starting to move as if to control himself. This action will indicate to us that in fact the child is aware of what he is experiencing and is not at a stage where it is still normal.


If we consider that the child may perceive that he has a need to urinate or defecate, we can speak of an impulse to control his sphincters. However, there is no sign of control whatsoever when you just let everything out without awareness of it.

N or should force the child to overcome stages which has not yet come, for example in the first control step, the single child happens to make an indication that this has passed when wet.

But in more advanced stages, it will happen by telling us, for example, that you are urinating; and in the next it warns before it happens. When we expect that all three stages have been passed, we are talking about the moment to start putting off the diaper.

It is necessary to know that this process is slow, but in evolution, be aware, show interest, observe the signals that your child can give you and support this function with sweet words and gestures. Praising every little progress brings security to all your future actions.

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