What Is White Pedagogy?

What is White Pedagogy?

Your child, like all children in the world, is born gifted with great capacities and multiple intelligences that are accompanied by an enormous desire to learn. However, all those virtues are as delicate as a newborn baby. If we hurt their emotions, it is possible that these capacities cannot be fully developed, which the new currents of pedagogy try to avoid at all costs.

One of those new ways of teaching and educating in a respectful way is called White Pedagogy. Its objective is to develop all the potentialities of the child, helping them to discover their own talents and their own evolutionary rhythms. This type of education focuses on awakening children’s curiosity, creativity and critical spirit and encourages parents to accompany the child’s delicate learning process.

Our children begin to learn from when they are in our womb. Long before he was born, his learning process began, especially the emotional one, because it is in the mother’s womb where this being feels safe and happy. Where you really feel safe. That feeling of security changes when he leaves his mother’s womb and begins to feel cold, noises and everyone he has to meet.

Ideally, as soon as he comes out of the womb he meets his mother again, who will give him her warmth again and cradle him in her chest, so that he feels that outside the womb is when his stage of development and growth gains more force: he will begin to learn every faster time.

skin to skin

Accompany your child in the learning process

Your child can learn to be good, correct and happy with your guidance, with your love; That is why it is necessary that we learn to be companions in the process of raising our children.

It is necessary that parents and teachers learn to respect the child’s own learning rhythms, that we guide them so that they can solve their own needs and develop their own talents, which can be achieved if the procedures of White Pedagogy are followed.

This pedagogy proposes that each child that is born is in the world is unique and important. Each of them needs a respectful accompaniment at their own pace, so it is important that parents also re-educate ourselves to help our children learn to  know themselves, understand the diversity that exists in the world, to generate self-confidence, autonomy and that they feel capable of taking risks and acting on their own initiative little by little.

Benefits of applying White Pedagogy

A child educated under the paradigm of White Pedagogy can develop his autonomy, his creativity, his intellectual passion, his logical reasoning and his full consciousness  through this teaching method that is supported by social ties, such as the love of dad and Mom, on axes of trust and happiness.

These are precisely the feelings that a mother and father should inspire in their child: Trust and happiness, with these deep-rooted feelings the child will spend his time playing to discover the world without fear and through a multiple and unprejudiced perspective.

Ideally, parents establish clear and rational rules and eliminate punishments from our parenting system so that the child can develop his own value system and learn what is right and what is not so that he can self-regulate.

All this, although it sounds a bit contradictory, is achieved when we promote a creative environment that stimulates their intelligence, but also that environment must be respectful and diverse so that your child discovers what comes naturally, what kind of activities he enjoys and can develop their talents.

“It is not enough to transmit information to act as a complete teacher, you have to leave the child and stimulate him to investigate, build and act,” wrote in an article Mireia Long, a teacher who imparts knowledge under the parameters of White Pedagogy.

The really motivated child is happy to have discovered things for himself or with the help of father, mother or his teacher. When you learn in this way you feel happy because you are proud of your achievements and linked to the knowledge you have acquired; This increases your motivation, your commitment, your effort and your confidence.

In addition, this can grow in a special way if we manage to detect those topics or activities that they are passionate about and we manage to motivate them by what does not attract them so much attention but that they need to learn. Doing all of this with love is the challenge of parenting.

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