What Responsibilities Can A Child Of 8 To 12 Years Old Take On?

To instill in children the value of effort and commitment, it is important to teach them to assume responsibilities from an early age.
What responsibilities can a child of 8 to 12 years old take on?

Our children, as they grow, have the need to be more and more autonomous and independent. For this reason, it is important to give them responsibilities in a progressive way. But what responsibilities can a child of 8 to 12 years old take on? Next, we explain what tasks it can perform depending on the stage of maturational development in which it is.

Keep in mind that assuming certain obligations during childhood is very enriching. Well, thus, the little ones, from the first years of life, understand the consequences of their own actions and decisions. In addition, they learn to strive, commit, and be consistent.

What responsibilities can a child of 8 to 12 years old take on?

As you know, education begins at home, so  the first responsibilities must be raised in the family context  and then continue at school and in other social settings.

To do this, children must feel motivated, which can be achieved through positive reinforcement (praise, praise, hugs, etc.). In fact, children often act responsibly with the intention of:

Child brushing teeth as part of his responsibilities due to his age.

  • Imitate their parents or other adults they consider figures of reference.
  • Get social recognition and approval.
  • Achieve self-satisfaction, demonstrating one’s own abilities.

But, in order to assign responsibilities, it is important to respect the different evolutionary stages. That is, you have to know what tasks a child can perform according to their age.

Responsibilities that a child can assume at 8 years of age

Eight-year-olds can help out at home by doing the following tasks:

  • Make simple purchases, such as going to buy bread, milk, newspaper, etc.
  • Prepare breakfast.
  • Prepare a snack for school.
  • Put away the plates and cutlery.
  • Replace the toilet paper.
  • Save money by keeping it in a piggy bank.
  • Prepare the backpack for school and organize school supplies.
  • Clean the room.
  • Take care of your own belongings.
  • Clean the windows.
  • Set and unset the table.

Responsibilities at 9 and 10 years.

Children of nine and ten years, in addition to assuming the responsibilities mentioned above, can also take care of:

  • Perform personal hygiene tasks autonomously (bathing, brushing teeth, washing face and hands, combing hair, etc.).
  • Organize toys and personal items.
  • Choose and organize your own clothes.
  • Doing homework or homework independently.
  • Take out the trash.
  • Wash the dishes and put the dishwasher.
  • Put the washing machine.
  • Make the bed.
    Child putting money in the piggy bank as part of one of the responsibilities that he can assume with his age.

Responsibilities at 11 and 12 years

At eleven and twelve years of age, at the stage of puberty, children can carry out much more complex tasks that involve the development of greater skills and abilities. Thus, these can:

  • Organize and manage money.
  • Take public transport.
  • Prepare simple dishes in the kitchen.
  • To clean the bathroom.
  • Clean the kitchen.
  • Go shopping.
  • Take care of younger siblings for a specified time.
  • Take care of a pet.

Considerations to keep in mind when assigning responsibilities to children

To assign tasks to children you have to have an open mind and trust in their abilities. Otherwise, if everything is done to them, if they are not allowed to have opportunities for autonomous learning, we will be raising useless people, unable to fend for themselves and make decisions. All this entails a clear limitation of freedom.

Therefore, for the sake of the development of the little ones, they must be allowed to assume responsibilities. Obviously, these responsibilities have to be equal for both boys and girls, growing up with an education based on gender equality.

Tips for parents to raise independent and responsible children

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