What To Do If My Baby Won’t Stop Crying?

If you are worried about your child’s crying and you don’t know how to calm him down, you may be feeling somewhat frustrated. You are not the only one wondering what to do when a baby won’t stop crying. Therefore, we will help you reverse the situation.
What to do if my baby won't stop crying?

The cry of a child can be due to different reasons, from hunger to whims, through digestive problems and sleep. Many women wonder “What to do if my baby won’t stop crying? In this article, we will give you some tips to calm him down.

What to do if my baby won’t stop crying: recommendations

The way young children express themselves is through crying. You may be sleepy or hungry, need a diaper change, have a stomach ache, or want to be held. They always have a reason to cry and despair of parents.

When the classic question arises, what to do if my baby does not stop crying? it is advisable to pay attention to these more than effective tips:

1. Rock it

There is nothing more beautiful for a child than to be in the arms of his mother. When she takes him in her arms, lulls him and sings to him or simply talks to him, the baby calms down as if by magic. For this technique to work, it is very important that the mother is calm, because this is how she transmits calm to her child.

If parents are not relaxed, then someone else’s arms can always help, be it grandparents, uncles, godparents, or family friends. Sometimes that change is more than good for children … And it is a break for parents!

2. Take him for a walk

It doesn’t have to be far from home … You can even walk it inside the home! Whether in your arms or in your car, the rocking motion will put your mind at ease. Some parents choose to put it in the baby carrier or, in more extreme cases, sit it in the car seat and go for a couple of laps around the block.

There are also examples of babies calming down simply by putting them in the back of the car and starting the engine. They do not know the difference between being parked or furrowing streets and avenues!

The baby can cry for many different reasons.

3. Give him massages

When babies are very young and cry inconsolably, it can be due to the famous ‘colic’, those very strong stomach pains that can be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and gas.

In that case, we recommend that you massage her belly or back very gently. A few caresses after bathing using an oil or a neutral cream – previously warmed our hands – and goodbye to stomach and intestinal discomfort.

In addition, it will be a beautiful moment for mother and child, because massages are a perfect demonstration of love. They can even be used in case the little one has problems falling asleep, since it will relax him even more.

4. The sound of household appliances

Although it may seem strange, more than one mother who has asked herself “what to do if my baby does not stop crying” has used this technique.

You can place the baby near the washing machine or take the opportunity to vacuum in his room. The sound of both appliances have soothing effects, it is not quite clear why. In addition, you will take the opportunity to clean the house a little. Better impossible!

5. Play music or sing to him

If the idea of ​​the washing machine does not convince you or it has not worked with your child, you can choose another option a little more traditional. In case, for example, you have put music on him since he was in your belly, perhaps you can use the same melodies to calm him down. The child will remember the songs he heard before birth and will calm down.

6. Take off her clothes

Sometimes babies cry because they are too hot or they feel uncomfortable from so many clothes. If it’s summer, you can remove all of her clothes, including the diaper, and allow her to move ‘at ease’ for a few minutes.

In the case of winter, you may want to wear less tight clothing that allows a greater range of movements, without taking it off.

It is a bit difficult if the baby just wants to be in the arms and does not adapt to the crib or the baby carriage.

7. Breastfeed

This is the technique that always works, or at least in most cases. Even when the baby is not hungry, he will want to be in Mommy’s arms.  Also, the sucking movement is a more than effective natural tranquilizer.

If you have tried all the existing and existing techniques and your baby continues to cry, then you will have to take him to the pediatrician to have him checked. You may feel some pain that you cannot identify. If not, surely these tricks can save you more than once.

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