What To Do To Relieve Constipation In Children?

What to do to relieve constipation in children?

One of the most common illnesses in babies in their first months is constipation, but it can occur in older children and can also recur at different times. This problem causes unpleasant discomfort to the little ones and in some cases it could be seriously complicated if we do not help them to relieve themselves.

To say that it is indeed a constipation problem, it must be considered that the baby has decreased the amount of normal stools in him and that he also shows signs of pain. The child may cry constantly and show the effort he is making to defecate.

It is a good idea to help you relieve yourself of this problem because the longer the stool stays in the colon, the more it becomes hard and dry, which could lead to a painful episode when it is finally passed. Similarly, colic is part of the annoyance, the little ones are attacked by gas, and the problem could become chronic.


How to relieve constipation?

This disorder is directly associated with the feeding of the baby, but in particular it occurs in the first months of life because the body has not matured enough to evacuate normally. At the same time, breastfeeding may not be taking place the right way; that is, if you are not eating well, you will not have to have a bowel movement and it is not a constipation problem.

In any case, it is advisable to be careful with feeding, for example, during breastfeeding it is necessary that we make sure that the child is taking the nipple in the correct way and can express the milk. In the case of the bottle, it is convenient to be aware that the formula is not hurting him and as for solid foods, it is preferable to feed him foods that do not cause constipation.

It is advisable to consult a specialist if we have noticed that in two days the child has not evacuated and when he has, his stools are too dry and hard. However, at home we can apply some remedies to help alleviate the discomfort, among the main recommendations we have.

  • Pediatricians suggest adding a little more water to the bottle, if that’s the case.
  • Some mothers have found massages on the baby’s tummy and back, as well as bending their knees.
  • We can also try giving them to drink some warm water, orange or prune juice.
  • If the problem becomes persistent, your pediatrician will likely recommend changing your milk. Sometimes it is an inability to digest milk protein, so it is recommended to use soy-based or other formulas
  • The lukewarm baths are a recommendation from some families for whom it has worked.
  • When things get a little difficult to achieve, some parents choose to help their little ones through the use of effective glycerin suppositories. However, it is a practice that should not be made habitual
  • If the baby is already consuming his complementary feeding, it is customary to give him foods rich in fiber. Some foods like rice, carrots, and bananas increase the chance of constipation
  • Avoid giving laxatives without a doctor’s prescription; Instead, you can ask your pediatrician to prescribe a stool softener.

Most likely, with these simple remedies the baby will improve, and when the little one is over four months of age, this problem greatly diminishes. After the body adapts and food begins to be processed correctly, episodes of constipation will become increasingly rare.

However, it is possible that it is a chronic problem, so the main recommendation is to always be in contact with the pediatrician. Other symptoms such as:

  • A baby less than four months old has not had a bowel movement in an estimated 24 hours
  • Appreciable weight loss
  • Presence of blood in the stools
  • Lack of appetite
  • Slight or no improvement with the applied treatments

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