Why Does White Noise Benefit Us All?

Why does white noise benefit us all?

A certain type of noise is rarely associated with a color. Thinking of white noise can be strange. However, colors are used to classify noises or sounds.

What is a white noise?

The word noise has different meanings. A noise can be an interference, also a distortion or a non-articulate sensation at the auditory level. This word has its origin in Latin. Rugitus was the way of referring to a normally unpleasant and inarticulate sound.

White noise is a signal that does not have a certain pattern. It is the result of the combination of all audible frequencies. These frequencies range from 20 to 20,000 Hertz.

It is a characteristic of white noise that its frequencies (low, medium and high) have an equal amplitude level at the same time. The same occurs at the optical level with white light. That is why it was baptized with that name.

The sound of rain is white noise.

White noise and health

There is several research on the health effects of white noise, however, none of them is conclusive. Further studies are still needed in this regard to determine its effects on the human body.

White noise is said to contribute to health by promoting meditation and concentration. In the same way, these noises help fight insomnia by promoting relaxation.

There are studies carried out in animals whose results show that those who were exposed to other noises, retained less things in memory than those who were exposed to white noise.

The relationship between various kinds of noise

White noise integrates other noises, it does not eliminate them. Since the brain hears thousands of frequencies at once, it is not able to distinguish any one in particular at that moment.

The correct use of white noise can help to hide certain noises coming from the street. Among them, noise from traffic, neighbors or construction work on public roads stands out. In this way you can rest, study or work, as the level of concentration rises.

Tinnitus are auditory phenomena characterized by the fact that some people hear noises that are not produced outside. And these sounds cause them anguish and insomnia. With the help of white noise this condition can be significantly reduced.

White noise in babies

The benefits white noise can have on babies is often talked about . Some experts claim that it has a relaxing capacity for the little ones in the house. They integrate or absorb any noise that could disturb the child. After a few minutes, babies will be able to relax and become calm.

By increasing the degree of relaxation, this noise helps children sleep longer. These factors help reduce stress in babies. Tiredness from activity and movement during the day or overstimulation can stress a newborn.

The fan also makes a white noise.

Another hypothesis about the benefits of white noise in newborns indicates that the sound environment inside the uterus during pregnancy is very similar to white noise. Therefore, it generates in the baby a feeling of pleasure, security and calm.

Another benefit of white noise in babies is to calm crying. As a consequence, they are prevented from being disturbed for too long.

Specialists say that it is important that children do not get used to sleeping with white noises. Its use should be occasional and not the rule.

White noise in adults

In adults, during REM sleep , contact with white noise works as a brain stimulant. A state of relaxation is reached which creates a beneficial setting for sleep.

At present you can find a lot of offer of devices that emit this type of noise. It should be noted that there are already applications for mobile devices that have several white noise options to choose from. At the moment all these innovations are usually focused on offering a solution to be able to fall asleep.

Specialists recommend not including a very long frequency of contact with this type of noise at high volume. In children, precautions should be greater, not exceeding 50 decibels.

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