Why Is It Good For Children To Play In The Park?

Have you ever wondered why it is good for children to play in the park? The answer is motivating when it comes to the well-being of the little ones in the house.
Why is it good for children to play in the park?

Although it is no longer as common as perhaps it was in your childhood, it is good to go out and let the children play in the park so that they can relax, interact with other children and have fun. However, today this simple hobby has taken on a great value, since it is rare in the face of the convenience provided by electronic devices and, in general, the life established around technology.

It is good for children to play in the park because they can run, scream, laugh and feel ‘free’. At the moment they play and later, they will get good memories of those times behind a tree playing hide and seek, or simply sitting in the sun watching the ants.

It is good for children to play in the park for the many benefits it brings them

Although you may not have realized it, outdoor games and contact with nature positively influence the integral development of children. Discover some benefits of doing it:

Why is it good for children to play outside?

Promotes physical exercise

Many of the stations found in the parks are designed with the objective of increasing the physical development of the child. For example, they strengthen each of their limbs and keep children active, allowing the cardiovascular system to function properly. In addition, they develop their motor skills.

Develop children’s creativity

It is good for children to play in the park, as it encourages them to develop their creativity. Outdoor spaces where there is nothing organized favor your imagination. It stimulates their curiosity, forces them to come up with ideas for games and activities, helps them make decisions and solve difficulties. The ample space of green areas in the parks means that they are the ones who set limits.

Improves mental health

Outdoor games also have psychological and mental benefits, although these are not obvious to the naked eye. They allow the child to face their fears, they create feelings of achievement, thus increasing self-esteem.

Social benefits

Taking your child to the park helps him develop excellent personal relationships with other children and adults. Especially shy or withdrawn children.

They create autonomy

Children who play outside regularly are more independent, and autonomous. This helps them cope with problems and find solutions for themselves.

They are self-sufficient

Play gives little ones self-confidence to get to know each other better. And based on what they want, they develop their own interests. This makes them feel like they can control their life.

Strengthen family ties

Playing in the park in family groups is a good way to pay attention and spend quality time with your children. Consequently, the children feel loved by the whole family, and consequently, they reciprocate.

4 games that have specific benefits for children

Why is it good for children to play outside?

It is good for children to play in the park, as each of the games contributes to the physical and mental development of children in a fun way. Write down the following games for your children to enjoy healthily.

  1. The balls. By being attentive to the movements of the ball, they favor children’s thinking and begin to establish spatial relationships.
  2. Swing. It trains their balance and increases their psychomotor development, in addition, it encourages children to think creatively and solve problems.
  3. The tunnels. They speed up crawling movements, teach little ones to control time and space.
  4. Outdoor games. Those games where they spin around, work their hearing and balance, they also acquire skills to read and write. Playing with dirt and sand strengthens the muscles of the hands and arms, and develops fine motor skills. In addition, it educates the brain to know what is soft, soft, hard or thick, by feeling with your hands and filling itself with these elements.

The pleasure of being outdoors creates a positive state of mind. Which prevents depression in them. To enhance your children’s achievements when playing in the park, wear it regularly and at a set time. They may coincide with other families several times, as this way it is easier for children to establish social relationships.

Take your children to the park and avoid harming their health

In today’s society, children spend most of their free time playing with electronic devices. In such a way that they lead a sedentary life from a very young age.  In addition, many video games are violent and affect the irritant and aggressive nature of many children.

Surely you are convinced that it is good for children to play in the park, because in a fun and pleasant way you contribute to the healthy growth of your little ones.

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